See Also: Book Notes, Blank Slate, Info Viz & Perception, On Intelligence, The Quest for Consciousness, The Stuff of Thought, Neuroscience of Human Relationships, Human: What Makes Us Unique.
Too much dopamine and you are manic. Too little and you are letharigic.
Serotonin: too much and nothing phases you - think sociopath. Too little serotonin leads to depression, sleeplessness and anxiety.
HM van Praag, Serotonin-related, anxiety/aggression-driven, stressor-precipitated depression. A psycho-biological hypothesis European Psychiatry, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 57-67
This has lots of detail WikiPedia: Biology of Depression, but it still treats depression as a single disease, rather than a syndrome with multiple underlying causes.
Below are totally random notes, which I hope to organize...
POMS, which proposed 8 basic moods, termed tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, fatigue, hostility, confusion, friendliness, elation and vigor. Note, there are only 6 moods in the WikiPedia article: Profile of Mood States
The two big factors Watson and Tellegen demonstrated were termed Positive and Negative Affect. Positive Affect represented the varieties of enjoyable engagement, Negative Affect represented the varieties of unpleasant engagement. WikiPedia: Dispositional Affect.
Behavioral Activating System (BAS). It regulates such behaviors as exploration and pursuit.
Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). It inhibits the very behaviors the BAS activates. Anthropomorphically, this is the agency that tells the animal what it mustn't do, and it keeps the animal from doing it.
The more clearly understood and widely agreed upon of these is the dopamine mediated BAS.
Less agreement exists about the correct understanding of the activity of the BIS. What is agreed is that increased activity in this system inhibits behavior.
lots more...
Stimulated by a private communication from J. Alexander Bodkin, M.D., entitled SPECULATIVE PSYCHOPHARMACOLGY: A MODEL OF THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF MOOD TO GUIDE CLINICAL PRACTICE, 1993 2012.03.31 jch