There was a Town Meeting on July 4th, 1774. The meeting was called and met on June 20th and then adjourned three times over 4 months. The first adjournment was to July 4th. The Town Meeting warrant was dated May 30th. The meeting started on June 20th and was adjourned until July 4th. It met and was adjourned again to July 18th, and then to Sept. 12th when it was disolved.
On September 12th, 1774, the Town voted to purchase gunpowder and a Chest of Arms. That was a significant step to prepare for the eventual conflict and those arms were used by the Sudbury militia and minute men on April 19th, 1775. More on that later. Also, there is a long except in the Sudbury Militia from Hudons's History of Sudbury in a well reformatted and spell corrected version on the site American History Central.
The Town worked on a response for the Sudbury Committee of Correspondence. WikiPedia: Committee's of Correspondence were a collection of American political organizations that sought to coordinate opposition to British Parliament and, later, support for American independence during the American Revolution. See Earlier Letters from Sudbury to Boston
The Town also voted to build a new powder house and buy powder and arms.
In addition, they voted "to appoint a Contribution to Collect a Sum of Money" for Congress. Webster's Second Edition says a contribution is "1. A payment or render imposed upon a body of persons or on the population of a territory by civil, military, or ecclesiastical authority".
Formatted with pix: TownMeetingJuly4th1774.pdf
To Mr Caleb Moulton one of the Constables of Sudbury - Greeting These Order you to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants off and Belonging to Sudbury (in your Ward) Qualified to Vote in Town Affairs, to meet at the East Meeting House in Sudbury on Monday the twentyeth Day of June Next at two of the Clock in the after Noon on Said Day then and there - - -
1st To See if the Town will take into Consideration the Letter sent to their Committee of Correspondence, by the Committee of Correspondence of the Town of Boston (which Letter was Written in Presence off and with the concurrence of the Committees of Correspondence, for the Towns of Dorchester, Roxbury, Newton, Lexington, Brookline, Cambridge Charlestown and Lynn) and take such Resolutions thereon, as the Town as the Town [sic] Shall think proper when met and do or Act any other Matter or thing as this Alarming Crisis may Call for - -
2nd To See if the Town will give Liberty to Mr John Underwood to Errect an House on a Parcel of land, left by the Proprietors, for a Training field lying on the West side the River, Near Mr John Clarks, and improve said Tract of Land, During the Towns Pleasure, Agreeable to the Petition of L' Joseph Willis and Others
3rd To See if the Town will Sell or lett to ME John Clark the Training field near his House, During the Towns Pleasure, as the Town and said Clark shall agree when met Agreeable to his Petition - - -
4th To See if the Town will Build a New Powder House and Sell the old one or the [sic] move the Town Stock of Ammunition to some other place in said Town Agreeable to the Petition of David How and others
And make due Return of this Order with your doings thereon to the Select Men or Town Clerk at time and Place above Mentioned — By Order of the Select Men Sudbury May 30th 1774
Att a Town Meeting in Sudbury Legally Warned June 20th 1774 the Town being met at time and Place proceeded and chose Deacon Thomas Plympton Moderator then the Town proceded of [sic] follows viz' The Town Voted to take into consideration the Letter sent to their Committee of Correspondence, by the Committee of Correspondence for the Town of Boston, and the Town by their Vote Accepted of a Draught prepared by their Vote Committee of Correspondence and Ordered the same to be Recorded and a Copy thereof to be transmitted to the Committee of Correspondence for the Town of Boston 2nd - this Article was put to Vote and passed in the Negative 3rd - Article was put to Vote and passed in the Negative 4th - The Town Voted to choose a Committee to take this Article into consideration and report at the adjournment, and chose for their Committee Messrs John Maynard Ezekiel How and Phinehas Glezen -
Then the Town adjourned their Meeting to Monday the 4th Day of July Next to meet at the same place at 4 o^Clock P M on said Day.
The Town being Met at time and place according to the aforesaid adjournment Proceeded & -----
The Town Voted to Reconsider the above Draught and to recommit the Same to the same Committee, for their amendment, they to lay it before the Town for their Acceptance.
Voted that the Select Men, motion it, to each of the Ministers in this Town to appoint a Contribution to Collect a Sum of Money to Defrey this Town's part of the Charges of the Committee of Congress, and the overplus if any be to be put into the Town Treasurers hands and to be Disposed off by the Town --
The Committee of Correspondence after amending the said Draught laid it before the Town for their acceptance and the Town by their Vote accepted of the Same.
Then the Town Adjourned their Meeting to Monday the 18th Day of July Instant to Meet at the same Place at 4 o^Clock P M on said Day
The Town Voted to Build a Powder House with Brick and lime and chose a Committee viz' Messrs Ezekiel How, John Maynard & Phinehas Glezen to provide Materials and find some Suitable place to Sett the House and report to the Town at the adjournment - - - -
Then the Town Adjourned their Meeting to Monday the 12th Day of September Next at 4 o Clock P.M. on said Day to meet at the same Place
The Town Voted that the overplus of Money arising by the Contribution should be appropriated toward purchasing Ammunition for the Town Stock
The Town Voted that the Select Men be a Committee to purchase the whole of the Powder now under the Care of Mr Sarson Belcher being ten half Barrels. Six half Barrels for the Town Stock and four half Barrels to be Sold out to the Inhabitants of the Town
— Also to purchase Six hundred Weight & 300 French Flynts or 500 English Flynts, to purchase a Chest of Arms to the Number of 30 with Bayonets to be under the Care of the Select Men, to be delivered out as there shall be Occasion
By a Vote of the Town the a foresaid Draught of the Comittee of Correspondence was reconsidered and ordered to be delivered to the aforesaid Committee
Tho: Plympton Modr